
We welcome you

The Designers Association of Madrid or Dimad is a project to pool the energies of professionals with years of experience and of young professionals, who are just starting out and who are struggling to make their way. Only by joining us will it be possible to draw a more favorable design landscape. Of all designs.

Dimad starts from a broad concept of design. Design understood as the culture of the project. This open idea fits all those who work, are interested in or are linked, in one way or another, to design: designers, teachers, architects, editors, art directors, managers, businessmen, students, historians, critics, architects...

Everyone, welcome to Dimad.

Design is a beginning, not an end.

Design is not a branch of art even though it is closely linked to creation. But above all, design cannot be an end in itself. We design in the environment and for the environment. Design must be a discipline of public utility, which is why it is loaded with the future.

Something is happening in Madrid.

Something that has to do with their vital and open nature. With the energy of a city that moves fast, somewhat chaotic, that always seems to be unfinished, but that is beginning to believe in itself.

Designers, who are quite a few of us in Madrid, now have to play a key role. It is we, the design professionals in all their fields, who must address society to explain who we are and what we do. To demonstrate that design, in addition to being a major cultural factor, is also a vector of economic progress. Pedagogical about the usefulness of design, through design itself, is now our job.

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Design has established itself as a key productive activity, whose process, based on innovation, plays a significant and structural role in the development of both culture and the economy. The growing role of design in society is reflected in the exponential increase of professionals and their international projection, the proliferation of specialized educational centers and the growing interest of the media, the press and events dedicated to the sector. These factors have paved the way for design to become socially established as a profession in constant evolution, where the quality of the work of our designers is recognized beyond our borders.

In recent decades, design has become an indispensable creative engine, closely linked to the development of industry and services. It has become a strategic factor for dynamization and economic progress in an increasingly globalized society.

This momentum can only be sustained through the organized interaction of the four key agents involved: companies, schools, public administrations and designers.

In addition, design shapes a universe of products and services that respond precisely to the cultural characteristics of our society. Nowadays, it is an indispensable part of cultural heritage, present in museums, exhibition halls and promotional spaces, as well as in those companies that integrate design values into their production and communication strategies.


On December 14, 2022, an Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association took place, from which the new Board of Directors of DIMAD, composed of the following members, was elected.

Javier Sanz Cortés

Director of the Degree in Product Design at ESNE. He was Design Director at Mormedi, Maurice Lacroix, Sandoz, Viceroy and Garza-Diviloc.

Dario Assante

Learning Architect. He was Director of IED Madrid and Member of the Scientific Committee and the Executive Committee of the IDB. He has also worked as an architect.

Carmen Martínez Trillo-Figueroa

Doctor and Professor of Fashion Design at the University of Navarra and ESIC University. She was formerly Founder/Creative at TRILLO @CO.

Tomás Antón Escobar

Director of User Experience at Unicaja. He directed Digital Design and Strategy departments at companies such as Liberbank and Everis.

Enrique Bordes Cabrera

Doctor, Graphic and Space Designer, he is currently a teacher at UPM, in the ETSAM Department of Graphic Ideation. He has also worked as an Architect.

Luis Conde Arranz

Doctor, Coordinator and Professor of the Master's Degree in Interactive Design, at the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid ESDM. Expert in Creativity Applied to Design.

David de Prado Vázquez

Global Director of Design at IKEA, Financial Services and Food, he was previously Director of Strategic Design and Services at BBVA. He is also a teacher.

Daniel García Sánchez

Co-founder and CEO of Woodendot, he was an Industrial Designer at GPD, Grupo Acciona. He teaches at Nebrija University and at IED.

Miguel Leiro Fernández-Cuesta

President of the Office of Design and Director at Miguel Leiro Design. He is also a Tutor Professor in the Master's Degree in Product Design at IED.

Antonio Jesús Luna

Co-editor of ROOM Design. Project Director at TEXTOLIA. He is also a Professor at the University of Córdoba, at UFV, IED and IADE.

Frédéric Misik

Director and Founder of Misikdesign, he was a Senior Product Designer at Mormedi. He manages the University Master's Degree in Product Design at ESNE.

Adolfo Nadal Serrano

Director and Founder of Misikdesign, he was a Senior Product Designer at Mormedi. He manages the University Master's Degree in Product Design at ESNE.

Gianluca Pugliese

Italian Design Ambassador. Founder of LOWPOLY, WASP distributor. Professor of Technology and Sustainability at IE University.

Susana Sancho Céspedes

Co-founder and Creative Director of Noviembre Estudio. She is a professor of the Degree in Integral Design and Image Management at URJC.

Mª Luisa Walliser Martín

Doctor and Coordinator of the Degree in Integral Design and Image Management at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. She was Co-founder of Cubo3 Arquitectura.


In this section you can check and download DIMAD accounts


Statutes are the fundamental rules that regulate Dimad. It is a document without the character of a legal norm, although they are binding on all partners. In this section you can learn about the Association's Statutes and Internal Regime Rules.

Madrid Design Foundation

The Madrid Design Foundation was established on December 1, 2006 on the initiative of the Madrid Designers Association. Its lines of action focus on the promotion of design in Madrid, creating strategies for its development and dissemination in the fields of culture, business, public and private institutions, and on establishing relationships with other related organizations. Through these actions, the Foundation seeks to improve and optimize the relationship between design and companies and industries, in addition to strengthening institutional and international relations, with a special focus on Ibero-America and Europe. It also collaborates with other Spanish entities specialized in the promotion of design.

To achieve these objectives, the Madrid Design Foundation manages an emblematic space for the promotion of design in Matadero Madrid: the Design Center, the result of an agreement signed with the Madrid City Council. In this space, several projects have been developed in line with the Foundation's mission, such as the Ibero-American Design Biennial, Madrid Gráfica and the Design Months. To date, these events have involved the collaboration of embassies and governments of countries such as the Netherlands, Finland and France.

At the institutional level, the foundation maintains collaboration agreements with numerous public entities and private companies, actively participating in carrying out studies such as “Design in Madrid” and in the elaboration of the bases for a Strategic Plan for Industrial Design, prepared for the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Community of Madrid. In addition, it has created Factor Diseño, a platform for local companies whose objective is to value design as a key factor in economic and business development, through various initiatives.

Our Purposes

  • Turn Madrid into a benchmark for current design.
  • Encourage, promote, project, train, research, edit, preserve, document, exhibit and disseminate design as a cultural, social and economic value.
  • Promote collaboration between all agents who participate in the culture of design or who may be interested in its development and, in particular, between all those people, companies, entities or institutions that carry out professional activities in this field, in order to create, promote and manage the Madrid Design Center.
  • Promote, organize and direct the celebration of all kinds of activities, of a stable, periodic or circumstantial nature, that contribute to providing content to the Madrid Design Center.
  • Promote, organize and direct educational, vocational training and cultural tasks in the Design Center.
  • Collaborate with the Designers Association of Madrid (Dimad) in the promotion, management and administration of all those activities and services that, in its opinion, require it.
  • Generate activities of interest to large sectors of the population, creating a significant flow of visitors to Matadero, taking special care of the presence of young people.
  • Contribute to building and elevating the Madrid brand. Acting through design in all fields of the city's cultural and economic life.
  • Disseminate and make design culture understandable to society as a whole. Showing their best achievements and publicizing the useful excellence of their correct employment.
  • To become a bridge between the economic world and the professional world. Between companies and designers. Encouraging the creation of a network of entities and companies interested in design culture.
  • To become a training space. A laboratory of experiences and a disseminator of knowledge. Aimed at professionals themselves, young people and students, businessmen, cultural and industrial managers and citizens in general.
  • Become a focus of international interest. Both because of the level of specific actions in the field of design, and because of their conceptual, geographical and social scope.
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Below, we tell you about our strategic lines:

  • Cultural: Cultural activities aimed at promoting the dissemination and knowledge of design in all its significant aspects. The actions or activities within this program take the form of: exhibitions | exhibitions | meetings of professionals and companies dedicated to design | congresses and conferences for design professionals | conferences and seminars.
  • Training: Training actions for entrepreneurs, students, young designers and experienced professionals, with the objective of offering continuing education to enable them to exercise their profession: Workshops, training courses, job search techniques for young designers.
  • Services: Assistance to companies and professionals, consulting, advice and intermediation between companies, institutions and entities that carry out their activities in the design sector and for young designers.
  • Documentation and research: to promote the development of design as an artistic, cultural, social, technical and scientific manifestation. Creation of research teams, support for researchers and educational centers and institutions in the Community of Madrid for the creation of research spaces, libraries, documentation centers and other experimental spaces.

In addition, our main activities are:

  • Interlocution with administrations for the promotion, promotion, training and research of design as a factor of progress and development.
  • Continuous training aimed at designers.
  • Creation and consolidation of design companies.
  • Social projection of design culture.
  • Organizing fairs, exhibitions and conferences on design.
  • International promotion of Madrid design.
  • Management of the Design Center.

Economic Information

Fundación Diseño Madrid manages all its activities with its own economic and human resources.

Because of its foundational nature, its main sources of funding are:

  1. Contributions from their employers.
  2. Sponsorships linked to the different projects.
  3. Grants from institutions and/or collaboration agreements.
  4. Donations.
  5. Income from services provided.

Participate in

  • Spanish Federation of Design Promotion Centers.
  • Cultural Council of the Community of Madrid.
  • Cultural Council of the Madrid City Council.