
Thanks to the support of our collaborators, we can promote innovative projects, create spaces for meeting and exchange between professionals, promote emerging talent and promote a culture of design as a key discipline to face the challenges of the present and build a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Every collaborator who joins our mission becomes a strategic ally in the promotion of design as a catalyst for positive change in society.

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Centro Superior de Diseño de Moda de Madrid (CSDMM-UPM)

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Crea diseño

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Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid

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UDIT, Universidad de diseño, innovación y tecnología

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ETSAM Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid

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Facultad de Bellas Artes (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

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IED MADRID. Centro Superior de Diseño

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INSENIA Design School Madrid

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Lightbox Academy

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Título Propio de Grado de Diseño de Interiores (ETSAM-UPM)

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Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

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Universidad Europea de Madrid

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Universidad Nebrija

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Increase your visibility in the design industry. You will appear on our website, our networks and at our events as a promoter of design in Madrid.


Connect with other professionals and companies, and access activities, events and forums with industry professionals.


With your collaboration, you will be helping to promote projects and initiatives that contribute to improving our future as a society