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Typomad is typography festival in Madrid. An annual event where talks, lectures, exhibitions and typography workshops take over the city of Madrid.

This annual event offers proposals for all kind of audiences: from designers and typographic specialists to aficionados and amateurs. Typomad acts as a platform to disseminate the most interesting, amusing and surprising aspects of this design discipline.

Throughout Typomad a series of talks take place, with national and international lecturers and projects that begin with letters.

Typomad 2013

from 27th September to 10th October

Lectures by: WeteTavo Ponce, Daniel Fuente + Pablo Mariné, YorokobuSergio JiménezClara PrietoJosé Ramón PenelaJosé Román GálvezPablo GámezDiego AresoTipo-eTres Tipos GráficosFamilia Plómez + Typocran , Pablo AbadRubén GarcíaPedro Arilla,Boa MisturaManufactura independenteBlastto and Andreu Balius.

Workshops:”Tipo experimental. Metatipografía modular”, “CSS3 + OPENTYPE”, “Vectorización de glifos” and “Del ghero al tipo”.

Two parallel exhibitions: “Typomad” y “TDC59”

And a Typographic Safari.

Typomad 2014

15th November

Lectures By: Jean François Porchez, José María Cerezo, Noe Blanco, Dave Crossland y Octavio Pardo, Prototypo, Animography, Benoit Bodhuin,Andreu Balius, Joancarles Casasín, Raquel Pelta, Rubén Chumillas and Carlos de Toro, among others.

Two parallel  exhibitions: “Cada letra cuenta una historia” and “TDC 60”.

Typomad 2015

from 6th Novemeber to 12th December

For this edition, the exhibition “TDC61” was held at Central de Diseño.

Website sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
DENOMINACIÓN SOCIAL: ASOCIACIÓN DISEÑADORES DE MADRID Y FUNDACIÓN DISEÑO MADRID, DIMAD · CIF: G84185073 Y G84913698 · DOMICILIO SOCIAL DE AMBAS INSTITUCIONES: PASEO DE LA CHOPERA 14, 28045, MADRID · Teléfono: (+34) 914746780, Email: info@dimad.org / RTD@dimad.org · INSCRITAS EN: Registro de Asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número 26.831 · Registro de Fundaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número de Hoja Personal: 471