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Organized by Central de Diseño / DIMAD with the sponsorship of the Instituto para la Diversificación y el Ahorro de la Energía IDAE (Diversification and Energy Saving Institute), the Fundación Arte y Derecho (Art and Law Foundation), and the EOI, Escuela de Organización Industrial (Industrial Management School). With the collaboration of the Asociación Sostenibilidad y Arquitectura (Architechture and Sustainability Association), Philips, El País and Antalis.

DIMAD has joined forces with relevant personalities from the world of design, architecture and education, to create the European Environmental Design Award. A network/platform has been set up from which we aim to foster and promote, with the maximum possible dissemination, the good practices that design includes in the production process and use of materials. We would also like to reflect environmental values and model/exemplary sustainability procedures, which contribute to improve social habits and consumption patterns, as well as the current production processes.

Objectives of the award

The main objectives of the European Environmental Design Award are:

  • To boost and reward actions undertaken by companies, institutions and designers in Europe as examples of good design practices from an environmental point of view.
  • To educate companies, public institutions, designers and society in general in the importance of introducing sustainability values in their designs and products.
  • To raise awareness of the role of design as a tool to improve welfare and wealth, but which can also transmit cultural values and be of public use.
  • To transform Madrid into a benchmark for sustainable design, and to establish Central de Diseño and Matadero Madrid as the centre of the design values specified in the three previous objectives.

Categories of the award

The European Environmental Design Award will acknowledge the most prominent and relevant actions in five categories:

  1. Sustainable Construction. Actions in the field of architectural design and sustainable or bioclimatic construction.
  2. Industrial Design. Object designs that introduce eco-friendly innovations in their production process and everyday life.
  3. Edition. Publications (magazines, journals, books, etc.) related to design, which address the issue of the Environment or which include significant ecological innovations in their production (materials, processes, etc.)
  4. Graphic Design Campaigns or Actions. This category will be devoted to posters and adverts, campaigns or slogans, logos, etc. which promote environmental values and combine them with quality design.
  5. Institutional, Business, or Individual Initiatives that include environmental design as the main feature of their design and production process.

14 countries

225 submitted pieces

149 selected pieces

7000 visitors

32000 web visits

120 press impacts

Website sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
DENOMINACIÓN SOCIAL: ASOCIACIÓN DISEÑADORES DE MADRID Y FUNDACIÓN DISEÑO MADRID, DIMAD · CIF: G84185073 Y G84913698 · DOMICILIO SOCIAL DE AMBAS INSTITUCIONES: PASEO DE LA CHOPERA 14, 28045, MADRID · Teléfono: (+34) 914746780, Email: info@dimad.org / RTD@dimad.org · INSCRITAS EN: Registro de Asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número 26.831 · Registro de Fundaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número de Hoja Personal: 471