Exposición > Renaissance Collection: from fashion in painting to fashion photography
05.04.2017 a 22.04.2017

Renaissance Collection: from fashion in painting to fashion photography

What: Exhibition

Where: Central de Diseño de Matadero Madrid

When: Wed. 5th April at 20:00hr until Sat. 22nd April

As from Wednesday 5th April, this exhibition will offer a deep insight into the “painted fashion” of the Renaissance. It will begin by showcasing a series of portraits from the Renaissance period that will later be photographically documented

This idea is the result of an academic project developed by students and teachers of ESDIREscuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja (High School of Design in La Rioja). This school is a State-managed centre that offers Quality Artistic Training in Graphic, Interior, Product and Fashion Design.

The design and dress-making of the garments depicted in each painting will be carried out through innovation in the formal aspects and the use of material. By doing so, this workshop will research the use of alternative materials to textiles, materials that are not that common in fashion design (sanitary masks, mosquito nets, wires and cables, bike tires, etc.)

The models wearing the designed garments, will adopt a classical pose similar to those in the paintings. The photographer on the other hand, will interpret them from a contemporary perspective

 “Renaissance Collection: from fashion in painting to fashion photography” will be open to the public until Saturday 22nd April 2017. Admission free.

Website sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
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