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The Bylaws are the fundamental standards that rule DIMAD. It is a non-legal document although it is binding on the members of the Association.
In this section, you can check DIMAD´s Bylaws and Internal Regulations

DIMAD´s Bylaws are avaible to download here.

DIMAD´s Internal Regulations are available to download here. 

As a summary, Articles 1 and 2 are enclosed on this page:


A non-profit entity is set up under Article 22 of the Spanish Constitution, governed by Organic Law 1/2002, March 22nd regulating the Rights of Association and related and developed regulations, and by these Bylaws. The Board of Directors may draft the Internal Regulations they deem appropriate, to be later ratified by the General Assembly. Under no circumstance will the content of these contradict the Bylaws or any other legal regulations.

The standards by which the Internal Regulations will be drafted, shall guarantee the open, transparent, collaborative and dynamic functioning of the Association, which allows to appropriately cater for the initiatives that are the foundation of its existence.

  1. Aims

The Association´s main objective is to become a strategic benchmark for the promotion, projection and dissemination of design culture as an unquestionable asset for progress, having as its main receptor society as a whole.

Specific aims of the Association:

  1. To foster collaboration among all design culture agents, in particular among those people, companies, entities or institutions that develop their professional activities within this field, independently of their specialization, -be it graphic design, product design, fashion design, space or interior design, service design, digital design, etc.- and the user’s experience.
  2. To achieve the appropriate recognition that design deserves in society in general, and among companies, entities and institutions in particular.
  3. To create the ideal conditions to guarantee the professional development of its members, by fostering initiatives of a social, economic, political, scientific, cultural or educational nature, which contribute to the development of activities under the best possible conditions, and, as a result, to establish the foundations to gradually improve social gains.
  4. To contribute to creating the necessary conditions for the proper professional integration of students and young designers, through campaigns aimed at improving their training and education and the effective professional participation in their respective fields.
  5. To maintain regular communication with Public Institutions to promote the constant development of design in all its forms: cultural, professional, educational, economic and artistic.
  6. To adapt and shape design training according to current and future social needs by proposing new specific study programmes at each stage of the education system, paying special attention to professional training and university studies.
  7. Any other aims not mentioned which may contribute to the development of the main objective of the Association.
Website sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
DENOMINACIÓN SOCIAL: ASOCIACIÓN DISEÑADORES DE MADRID Y FUNDACIÓN DISEÑO MADRID, DIMAD · CIF: G84185073 Y G84913698 · DOMICILIO SOCIAL DE AMBAS INSTITUCIONES: PASEO DE LA CHOPERA 14, 28045, MADRID · Teléfono: (+34) 914746780, Email: info@dimad.org / RTD@dimad.org · INSCRITAS EN: Registro de Asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número 26.831 · Registro de Fundaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid con Número de Hoja Personal: 471